Bridge over the water

NextGenerationEU & NRRP

Intesa Sanpaolo confirms its commitment and supports its clients in order to provide them with the necessary tools to take full advantage of the potential offered by the NRRP and embark together on the path towards recovery.

Intesa Sanpaolo is an accelerator of the growth of Italy’s real economy. To support the NRRP, the Group makes over EUR 400Bn of medium/long-term loans available to businesses and households. Intesa Sanpaolo is a leading institutional entity supporting the implementation of the NRRP and contributing with finance as an additional leverage, in its role as a fund intermediary. The Intesa Sanpaolo IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division intends to support the establishment of the NRRP, both as project leaders through the implementation of structured finance transactions, through advisory, also with the support of qualified partners, services including the involvement of supply chains, and as a pillar for relaunching the country and apportioning of resources.

NextGenerationEU and NRRP


A brief introduction of NGEU

NextGenerationEU (NGEU) is a temporary European Union instrument deploying over EUR 800Bn for the relaunch and recovery of economic and social damage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, encouraging investments in digitalisation, ecological and energy transition, infrastructure, social cohesion, training, research and health.

The Recovery and Resilience Facility, through which loans and subsidies are made available to Member States to support their reforms and investments, is the cornerstone of the programme.


Italia Domani - National Recovery And Resilience Plan (NRRP)

NGEU represents a remarkable opportunity for development, investments and reforms. Italy has the opportunity to modernise its public administration, strengthen its production system and intensify its efforts to fight poverty and inequality, while boosting social inclusion.

The plan presented by Italy, Italia Domani, is based on three shared strategic objectives at European level: digitalisation and innovation, ecological transition and social inclusion

The amendments approved in December 2023 with the introduction of the REPowerEU chapter increased the budget of the main plan instrument ('RRF') to approx. EUR 194Bn.

The Plan contributes substantially to fostering social inclusion and reducing territorial disparities and its main beneficiaries are women, young people and Southern Italy.

To see the FAQs and get more information on what the NRRP is and what the missions it consists of, visit the Group's website .


If you are a Corporation, a Public Entity or a Financial Institution, please contact your relationship structure at Intesa Sanpaolo IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division or discover our offer.

Find out more about our concrete commitment to support the programme

Other plans in Europe

Intesa Sanpaolo monitors new developments and regulatory evolutions in Europe as well, in order to help clients make the most of the opportunities offered by the Relaunch Plans of the various countries. Through our international network, we are working alongside international clients to support them in the development of projects related to the Relaunch Plans of the European countries in which we operate.

France Relance 

The Plan National de Relance et de Résilience (PNRR) presented by the French government, financed by European grants of approximately EUR 40Bn and national resources, is part of a broader EUR 100Bn plan for France Relance. The French PNRR is very much oriented towards green transition and relies on public investments as well as tax incentives, especially for companies.

Espana Puede 

The Spanish National Recovery and Resilience Plan provides for the use of EU resources of EUR 70Bn from 2021 to 2023. In October 2023 the European Commission approved an addendum to the Spanish Recovery Plan that includes REPowerEU and attracts new European funds for approx. further EUR 94Bn, mainly in the form of loans (step II 2024-2026). Resources are mostly allocated to green and digital transition, particularly in public investments to be implemented by all Ministries, in coordination with local public administrations and the private sector, to maximise the macroeconomic impact of the various actions. 

Deutscher Aufbau- und Resilienzplan (DARP) 

The German Plan, financed by approx. EUR 28Bn in grants, aims to promote a strong recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic. The reforms and investments it includes support the country's path towards green and digital transition and strengthen economic and social resilience. In particular, the main objectives are the pursuit of energy efficiency, the digitalisation of the public administration and investments in education and training throughout the country.

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