Our Service Model

We anticipate change, meeting market challenges and interpreting technological trends: we guarantee consolidated products and services, but we also develop innovative solutions, made of a strategic vision made of continuous research and evolution.

Who we serve

The IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division directly manages the relationships, at a domestic and international level, with  large corporates, public finance and financial institutions (including banks, insurance companies and investment companies), in order to help them meet all their needs related to financial markets and their business activities. Moreover, the Division supports,  in collaboration with the other Divisions of the Group,  Mid-Cap Italian companies1 and major clients2 operating in the Eastern European and North African countries where the bank is present, offering its technical expertise in the fields of Investment Banking, Structured Finance, Capital Markets and Transaction Banking.

1 Competence of Banca dei Territori Division
2 Competence of International Subsidiary Banks Division

Corporates and Public Finance


With a solid tradition and a natural vocation to continuous innovation, we assist and support large caps, with turnover over 350 million euros, in Italy and worldwide, through ordinary and extraordinary finance activities. We also accompany Italian and international Mid-Cap companies clients of Intesa Sanpaolo Group through their growth path. Responsibility and competence make us not only a financial advisor, but also a partner, able to anticipate and understand industrial dynamics.
In public finance, we have a strong experience in providing services and solutions able to meet the needs of public sector clients.
Our business model, dedicated to Italian and international corporate clients, focuses on the value of consulting and relationships, and is mainly based on specialisation in the following industries:

  • Automotive sector icon

    Automotive & Industrials


    Basic Materials & Healthcare

  • Energy sector icon


  • Sector food & beverage icon

    Food & Beverage and Distribution

  • Infrastructure sector icon


  • Infrastructure Icon

    Real Estate

  • Public finance sector icon

    Public Finance

  • Retail & Luxury sector icon

    Retail & Luxury

  • TELCO sector icon

    Telecom, Media & Technology

Moreover, in strategic investment banking deals, the industry teams and the Italian and International Networks’ teams are supported by dedicated specialists with cross-sectional skills.

Financial Institutions


We are a solid and strategic partner for financial institutions on the domestic and international markets, supporting them with a specialised and global commercial approach and with a dedicated service model organised by client segment (banks, insurance companies, asset managers, financial sponsors, sovereign wealth funds and governments).

Our diversified and innovative client services are reflected in the proposal of integrated solutions based on the Group's expertise in capital markets, investment banking and commercial and transaction banking products.
Moreover, we collaborate with the major Italian and foreign distribution networks, in identifying the most appropriate product solutions or investment services. Among our strengths is the recognised efficiency and competence of our professionals. For Financial Institutions, we are specialised in services dedicated to:

  • Banking sector icon


  • Asset Management sector icon

    Asset Managers

  • Sovereign Wealth Funds Icon

    Sovereign Wealth Funds

  • Insurance sector icon

    Insurance Companies

  • Sector financial sponsors icon

    Financial Sponsors

  • Government sector icon

    Governments and International Bodies

Strategic Partner

We are historically a strategic and long-term partner, capable of supporting our clients in all phases of corporate life.

We dedicate a GRM - Global Relationship Manager - to each client, supported by a team of specialists with specific industrial experience and financial skills: a professional reference who supports clients in all their needs, proposing the most appropriate solutions.

We serve Italian and international mid and large caps, building Investment Banking, Structured Finance and Capital Markets solutions according to specific client needs.

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