“Obiettivo Italia” is a travelling journey conceived and realised by the IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo. The aim is to facilitate the meeting between key figures from the bank and the national business and public sectors, with a view to strengthening dialogue and collaboration in order to explore topical issues: the twin transition -environmental and digital-, investment support, risk and liquidity management solutions, as well as the digital services our bank offers to companies.
The driving force behind Obiettivo Italia is the Italian Network, the Division's relationship structure, present throughout the country and organised into 6 Regions and 15 Corporate Centers. The events were held in 2024 across the country, testifying our commitment to listening to clients’ needs, touching all key industrial areas, with the final stop in Rome, to highlight the importance of the collaboration between the public and private sectors, crucial to promote accelerated and sustainable growth.
The initiative was an opportunity to reiterate our Division's strategy to consolidate and strengthen relations with the excellences of Made in Italy, which play a supporting and driving role for numerous small and medium-sized companies, accompanying them in their growth and green and digital transition processes.
In this perspective, thanks to our foreign network and relations with large Italian and global groups, we can facilitate the internationalization of companies and their consolidation in the markets, supporting them with traditional financial products and services and with the sophisticated capital markets and investment banking products.
After the success achieved with clients for the first year, Obiettivo Italia continues in 2025, creating a platform for dialogue and collaboration dedicated to clients, with a focus on development and innovation, digitalization and risk management.
In this video the testimonials on the first edition of Obiettivo Italia by: Michele Sorrentino (Head of IMI CIB Italian Network), Stefano Favale (Global Head of Global Transaction Banking), Stefano Rivellini (Head of Corporate & Strategic Solutions Sales) and Delia Miceli (ESG Advisory) from IMI Corporate & Investment Banking of Intesa Sanpaolo.