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Lending and Guarantees

Intesa Sanpaolo is engaged in Commercial Banking, by offering its customers credit support often integrated with and/or linked to banking services, such as the management of cash receipts and payments on behalf companies. 

Within our Commercial Banking activities, the main products and services offered are:

  • temporary current account overdraft
  • advances on invoices
  • short-term cash advances implemented through the provision of specific credit lines, called "hot money"
  • advances against exports
  • import financing
  • products supporting import-export activities
  • confirmation and discount export letters of credit

Within the Commercial Banking activities, we offer to our clients plain vanilla medium-long term loans, to support the investments necessary for the development of the core business of the corporation.

We also support our clients through the granting of advances backed by the presentation of bills of Exchange or other form of notes payable at our counters. This service has a twofold benefit for our clients: first it advances the liquidity necessary to support the company working capital and second it offers a service that facilitates the collection of those notes/receivables.

Finally, in the area of guarantees, we offer our customers support for the issue and management of the entire life cycle of domestic and international guarantee, through dedicated teams.


For the contractual conditions of mentioned products and services, please consult the relevant information sheets available on Intesa Sanpaolo bank website as well as in the bank branches. Granting of loans is subject to the bank approval.

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