
Supporting the Modigliani Solow ISEO International Chair in Economics

Intesa Sanpaolo, IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division, supports the University of Brescia in the establishment of the ‘Franco Modigliani - Robert Solow - Iseo Temporary Chair in Economic Sciences’ to assign the title of ‘Franco Modigliani-Robert Solow-I.S.E.O. Professor’ to an economist awarded with the Nobel Prize in Economics or to an internationally renowned economist.

The chair, established in cooperation with the Institute of Economic and Employment Studies (I.S.E.O.), will have as its first temporary chair holder in Economic Sciences Prof. Robert Engle, Professor of Finance at Stern Business School (NYU), who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2003.

In June, Prof. Engle will hold a course on Climate Finance, delving into the financial hedging aspects of climate risks with advanced asset pricing applications.

The course is aimed at students of the Department of Economics and Management enrolled in the PhD course in Analytics for Economics and Management and the MSc courses in Money, Finance and Risk Management and Analytics and Data Science for Economics and Management.

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