
First agreeemnt In Italy on the management of Water Resurces 

Intesa Sanpaolo and ACEA, Italy’s leading water operator, have signed the first national agreement aimed at protecting and managing the sustainable use of water in companies’ production processes. The aim is to develop initiatives that promote an efficient use of water resources as well as investments for the recycling of purified water within water communities.

The safeguard of water resources is one of the measures of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), which has an allocation of approximately EUR 4.4Bn. As part of the broader credit ceiling of EUR 410Bn announced by CEO Carlo Messina for new loans supporting PNRR initiatives, Intesa Sanpaolo will make EUR 20Bn available to support companies and operators in the water supply chain.

Intesa Sanpaolo and ACEA will make their competencies and resources available to companies interested in:

  • Supporting the development of Italian water infrastructures and the promotion of a more careful management alongside the supply chain
  • Rendering the use of water resources in companies’ production processes more efficient and encouraging the re-cycling of purified water through water communities
  • Supporting operators in the water supply chain through innovative solutions, based on their respective areas of expertise
  • Creating a joint research and study center, with the aim of publishing regular reports and promoting knowledge sharing in the area

These initiatives are expected to generate a positive impact on businesses, thus able to stabilize their water supply, as well as on the environment and relevant territories.

The IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division, which on this occasion is working in support of the Banca dei Territori Division, assists companies and utilities of the sector in their green, circular investments. This is done through projects dedicated to supply chains and through a unit dedicated to supporting mid-caps in areas of Investment Banking, Structured Finance and Capital Markets.

For more information read the Press Release.



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