City Green Light financing for growth and sustainable projects in italian municipalities
A pool of financial institutions has disbursed a loan of approx. EUR 200M in favour of City Green Light, a company specialised in providing solutions in the fields of public lightning, energy efficiency and smart services to local authorities.
Intesa Sanpaolo acted as Lender Coordinator of the transaction.
These resources will support the company's growth plan as well as investments in energy efficiency and digitalisation, including through new business lines and M&A transactions.
The loan, with a term of about 7 years, is part of the Green New Deal objectives, thanks to its positive impact in terms of climate change mitigation.
Investment projects dedicated to energy transition and digitalisation of public administrations are aimed at promoting integrated energy efficiency solutions in key areas such as public lightning, public building management and energy communities.
The credit institutions involved are Intesa Sanpaolo, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, UniCredit, BNL BNP Paribas and Sparkasse - Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano. The transaction is partially backed by the SACE Green Guarantee for EUR 96M.
Intesa Sanpaolo - IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division, also acted as Green Loan Coordinator in structuring green credit lines for an amount of EUR 192M out of the total loan amount of EUR 197M aimed at supporting green projects included in the company’s plan.