Ai sensi del Titolo VII del Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. raccomanda di leggere attentamente le informazioni presenti in questo sito relative a tutte categorie di derivati OTC (anche definiti come “swap” ai sensi della normativa statunitense) negoziate da Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., al fine di valutare i rischi e le caratteristiche del particolare derivato che si intende negoziare, incluso gli incentivi e i conflitti di interesse che Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. potrebbe avere con riferimento a tale particolare derivato.

4.1 Interest Rate Products

4.2 FX

4.3 Commodities

4.4 Equity Derivatives

As internal policy applicable to trades with corporate clients and non-swap dealer counterparties, Intesa Sanpaolo requires that all equity derivative transactions are subject to an internal assessment and prior approval by the Product Governance Commission. In this case, if the business function applies for this approval, material disclosures will be provided to the client based on the applicable laws and regulations. Therefore, the products included in the Material Economic Terms are still subject to this approval process if related to corporate clients and non-swap dealer counterparties.

4.5 Credit Derivatives

As internal policy applicable to trades with corporate clients and non-swap dealer counterparties, Intesa Sanpaolo requires that all credit derivative transactions are subject to an internal assessment and prior approval by the Product Governance Commission. In this case, if the business function applies for this approval, material disclosures will be provided to the client based on the applicable laws and regulations. Therefore, the products included in the Material Economic Terms are still subject to this approval process if related to corporate clients and non-swap dealer counterparties.

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